Sreshtha Homeo-Care

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Sreshtha Homeo-Care

Experience Homeopathy’s Personalized Care.

One of the world’s oldest and most trusted healthcare systems, Homeopathy, has gained its popularity due to its personalized approach to treatment and healing. Its great methodical diversity makes its treatments remarkably effective and useful for treating a wide range of diseases, both acute and chronic.

According to research studies by WHO on the efficacy of homeopathy in immunity-based ailments, homeopathy has a robust track record of controlling, managing, and preventing outbreaks of infectious diseases on a large scale. Homeopathy aids development of natural defences against disease-causing microbes. It can act as both preventive and curative medicine.

The relationship between the healthcare provider and the patient is pivotal in Homeopathy’s diagnosis and treatment. With our Homeopathy division, we aim to supply numerous high-grade Homeopathy medicines, quickly, allowing Homeopathy doctors to spend more time on effectively treating their patients.

Sreshtha’s Homeo-care division ensures the supply of customizable and standardised quality checked medicines that treat a person physically, mentally and emotionally. We aim to provide safe, affordable, and non-addictive solutions that can also be used repeatedly over a long duration. Our world-class Homeopathy solutions strengthen one’s immune system and aids preventive care. We also specialize in solutions with Arsenic Album 30, which is phenomenally successful at treating respiratory diseases.


Arsenic Album 30 is used in Homeopathy to treat respiratory complaints such as constricted air passages, burning in the chest, coughing that gets worse after midnight, wheezing, respiration and dry cough. It is also used to treat psychological complaints like extreme anxiety, also concerning anxiety about the health of a loved one or oneself or the fear of death. Arsenic album 30 also treats extreme lethargy, severe exhaustion, and fatigue.


Homeopathy is a government-approved healthcare system and has proved a 100% success rate in a trial run with over 30,000 subjects. Likewise, the homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album 30 has proven to boost immunity at a cellular level in various research studies and is, therefore, one of the best homeopathic medicines for strengthening the immune system.

Arsenic Album 30 has also been prescribed by the AYUSH Advisory as a homeopathic prophylactic for the COVID-19 Pandemic. The AYUSH Ministry has provided support in the form of 33 research studies on the efficacy of this prophylactic medicine.

Though our Homeopathy solutions are widely renowned for their curative impact, kindly note that we do not endorse self-medication. Patients or clients should always consult a homeopathic specialist for a customized treatment plan, for which we will conduct research, manufacture, and supply accordingly.

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